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Personal profile

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A R C H I T E C T   E N G I N E E R

The area in which I have developed myself the most has been in the management of personnel to carry out high quality projects in engineering as it has been in Kimberly Clark, Palacio de Hierro and Coppel, receiving more participations in different projects with the same companies. Feeding my research sector I obtained results for participation in various papers on the complexity of urban systems and their environmental deterioration and proposals for image remodeling and urban regeneration, before pandemic I was introduced to the world of intelligent and special facilities so I consider myself knowledgeable about the processes.


Since 2021 I started with independent projects, where formally born L-Grav, the twist is to develop atmospheres through BIM technologies creating virtual tours for appreciation and live it before its construction. No matter the scale of the project, their proactive and collaborative work seeks the best solution.


My vision is that nature is in the urban space improving its coexistence with the user, giving a memorable moment, reducing the fatigue of the city and thus facilitating its habitability, generating security and idendity of the user/space.



Higher School of Engineering and Architecture


Civil Association ADOC, AC


Center of scientific and technological studies

Architect Engineering Intern at the National Polytechnic Institute, at the Superior School of Engineering and Architecture Unit: Tecamachalco.

Joint Diploma UAM-X-ADOC, AC for Directors Responsible for Works and Co-Responsibles in Urban and Architectural Design with a duration of 140 hours.

Industrial maintenance technician from the National Polytechnic Institute, at CECyT No. 8: Narciso Bassols.

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